Interpublic Group of Companies is an advertising and marketing services company. Co. engages in consumer advertising, digital marketing, communications planning and media buying, public relations, communications disciplines and data management. Co. has two reportable segments, which are Integrated Agency Networks (IAN) and IPG DXTRA (DXTRA). Within IAN, Co.'s agencies provide a range of communications and marketing services. Co.'s digital specialist agencies provide digital capabilities and serve as primary digital partners. DXTRA provides clients with public relations, meeting and event production, sports and entertainment marketing, corporate and brand identity, and marketing consulting.
When researching a stock like Interpublic Group of Companies, many investors are the most familiar with Fundamental Analysis — looking at a company's balance sheet, earnings, revenues, and what's happening in that company's underlying business. Investors who use Fundamental Analysis to identify good stocks to buy or sell can also benefit from IPG Technical Analysis to help find a good entry or exit point. Technical Analysis is blind to the fundamentals and looks only at the trading data for IPG stock — the real life supply and demand for the stock over time — and examines that data in different ways. |