Kinder Morgan, Inc. is an energy infrastructure company. Co. operates approximately 79,000 miles of pipelines and 139 terminals. Its Natural Gas Pipelines business segment includes interstate and intrastate pipelines, underground storage facilities, liquefied natural gas (LNG) liquefaction and terminal facilities, and NGL fractionation facilities. Its Products Pipelines business segment consists of its refined petroleum products, crude oil and condensate pipelines, and associated terminals, its Southeast terminals, its condensate processing facility, and its transmix processing facilities.
When researching a stock like Kinder Morgan, many investors are the most familiar with Fundamental Analysis — looking at a company's balance sheet, earnings, revenues, and what's happening in that company's underlying business. Investors who use Fundamental Analysis to identify good stocks to buy or sell can also benefit from KMI Technical Analysis to help find a good entry or exit point. Technical Analysis is blind to the fundamentals and looks only at the trading data for KMI stock — the real life supply and demand for the stock over time — and examines that data in different ways. |